Zander Work


It’s time to start getting ready for CSAW CTF!!! If we qualify for the finals, we will send 4 people to New York to compete. The way we will be selecting the four people is as follows:

  1. Register on CSAW 365 (https://365.csaw.io/)
  2. Join our class so that I can keep track of your score (Please check Discord or your email for the class code)
  3. Work on solving challenges through the end of August.
  4. On September 1st, we will select 4 people to represent OSU if we make it to the finals a. The total point value that you score is a primary component in the selection process, but if you specialize in an area that others didn’t focus on, you may have priority!

However, to qualify for the competition, we must compete in another online CTF on September 14th @ 13:00 through September 16th @ 13:00. Any undergraduate student is able to compete in this (no limit on team size), so please let me know if you want to participate! We will be reserving a classroom for the entire 48 hour period so if you want to come work on challenges with other club members, that will be available. You won’t be required to come in person, though.

If you have questions on any of the CSAW 365 challenges, there is a new channel in the Wargames section called #csaw365 on Discord. Feel free to drop any questions you may have there, and someone will (hopefully) be able to assist you. Also, CSAW created a new website called CTF 101 with lots of good information to get started, so if you don’t have much experience, I’d recommend checking that out: https://ctf101.org/. If you don’t have much/any experience with CTFs, I’d still encourage you to sign up on CSAW 365 and work on the challenges there, in addition to participating in the qualifiers. It’s a great way to learn.

If you have any questions, please message an @Officer on Discord. Happy pwning, and good luck!