Meeting Notes 11/02
Casey Colley

Howdy hackers! Welcome to the second half of Fall term! Tonight we hosted NetSPI: Senior Director Karl Fosaaen and Security Consultant (and former club member) Michael Jereza. They walked us through penetration testing as a career, what work is like at NetSPI, their NetSPI University program, and some entertaining stories from their pentesting work! We hope you had fun and walked away with an enthusiasm for pentesting. If you enjoyed this, definitely think about getting involved with our CPTC team!
The slides for the meeting are available here:
Next week’s meeting, I’ll be presenting on Security for Software Developers.
Other events coming up:
- November 5th: DoE’s Cyberforce Competition
- November 4th-6th: Competing in Ohio State Uni’s “Buckeye” CTF
- November 19th: CPTC Western Regionals
- Ongoing: NSA Codebreaker Challenge