Officer Elections on 3/12
Zander Work

Next week, we will be having officer elections! This is a great way to get more involved with the club and help represent the College of Engineering. tl;dr Come vote on Thursday, 3/12 at 7pm in KEC 1003. We will have pizza.
I have been the president of the OSU Security Club for nearly 3 years now, and I have loved every second of it. Being able to work with all of you has had a tremendous impact on my college experience, and I thank each and every one of you for contributing to that. However, this is my last year as president, and I leave my position open to whomever would like to run for it.
This year we had the following officer positions:
- President: (me)
- Vice President: Hadi Rahal-Arabi
- Treasurer: David Park
- Recruitment/Student Engagement: Alex Rash
- Lab Manager: Ryan Kennedy
- Multimedia Coordinator: Adam Stewart
However, these positions can be fluid and can be modified to fit your vision of the club’s future. If this is something you would like to do, please reach out. I know that next year things will be different, but I’m confident that the club will continue on. I will be available to answer questions and advise but I won’t have any formal leadership role next year.
If you would like to run, please do the following:
- Fill out this form no later than March 11th.
- Send a slide (one slide) to no later than March 11th:
- Name
- Position
- Info about yourself
- Qualifications
- etc.
- Show up to our meeting on March 12th prepared for the following:
- Up to 5 minute presentation on why you should be elected for your position
- Up to 2 minutes Q/A
You must be present to run and/or to vote (if you have a legitimate schedule conflict, please email me, happy to make accommodations where appropriate).