Welcome to Winter 2019!
Zander Work

Happy New Years! Our first meeting will be this Thursday at 7pm in KEC1003, and we will be meeting at the same time/place the whole term.
Some things to look forward to for this term:
I’m working with NetSPI to have them come back with a more technical presentation and hopefully some labs, so that will be awesome.
PRCCDC is in March, with qualifiers in Februrary, so we will be working on putting together a team for that. I will be talking about this more at this week’s meeting, so please make sure you are there if you’re interested in participating (if you can’t make it and are interested in participating, email me!)
For more info on PRCCDC, see this: [http://prccdc.org/](http://prccdc.org/)
PEUx5.5 is being held at Northeastern University in Seattle Feb. 1-2. We won’t be travelling as a club/team to that event, but it’s an awesome cybersecurity event that you should check out
For more info on PEUx5.5, see this: [https://www.pnnl.gov/nationalsecurity/technical/capabilities/computing/peu.stm](https://www.pnnl.gov/nationalsecurity/technical/capabilities/computing/peu.stm)
Let me know if you have any questions! Thank you, and I hope to see you all on Thursday